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Coaches and trainers on how to improve people-related performance at work
WeAreRead4U is a network of international coaches and trainers who support organisations under stress adopt fresh thinking in order to grow. Each month an expert shares practical ideas live on LinkedIn on how to increase vitality at work.
What's your purpose?
Suffering from FOMO because you aren't sure what your purpose is in life? And made worse by IG gurus gleely talking about how they do know... or worse that they know their soul's purpose (groan!). Well, my friend, you are in good company. Lisa Kretschmann shares her take on how to gently and lovingly increase your sense of purpose. Spoiler alert: no crystals, shaman trips or soul retreats required.
How do you align your values & culture with your organization?
Some useful insights and ideas on how to be true to yourself while working in an organisation that on the surface lives different values to yours with Naheed Khan, Master Practitioner of Neurolinguistic Programming and co-founder of Futurwits.
Are people the main asset in an organisation?
How can people be the main asset in an organisation if the first thing that goes, when the company is struggling, is the people? Reggy Degen, founder of Q7 Leader outlines the true asset, something that benefits both managers and employees, and creates real value for everyone.
4 health tips for more vitality at work
Feeling exhausted before the day has even begun? You wouldn't be alone. Diana Siepmann, a functional medicine consultant, and Lisa Kretschmann, a yoga teacher, give us four simple actions we can do each day, and more importantly, why these ones increase our vitality throughout the day. They've also created a one-page handout, just reach out to either Diana or Lisa to get a copy.